

 やる気介護研究会は、現場で働く介護職と教員でつくっている研究会です。 日本社会事業大学の卒業生を中心に研究会をすすめてきました。ここ1年のテーマは「やる気を引き出す介護」でした。

  Motivational Care Association is Researching Association formed by teachers and care staff and has been run mostly by the graduates of the Japan College of Social Work. Last year's theme was " care worker's work that encourages patients".
 We have made this homepage to let people know about our activities as well as the contents of our discussion in order to establish a communication network on the Internet. We would like this network to become a way of supporting each others work.
 Since this is our first experience, we would appreciate it, if you could let us know your opinion give us advice on how to improve this homepage.

 はじめてこのホームページを御覧になる方は、必ずここをお読みください。 プライバシーや職業上の守秘義務を侵さないために、御意見の投稿の際や、投稿事例をお書きいただくときは、個人名や施設名等が特定できないようにご配慮ください。尚、このホームページの投稿が原因となって何らかの問題があっても、それは投稿した人の責任になります。管理者は一切の責任を持ちません。

Notice (fot the first viewers)
 If you read this homepage for the first time please read the following first.In order to protect privacy and confidentiality, please pay extra attention not to write names of individuals or organisations when writing to this homepage. We will not be responsible for any kind of conflict or dispute caused by letters to our homepage. The sender of the letter must take full responsibility for what he/she writes.

